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Y. T. M. Dato' Tunku Zainol Rashid Bin Tunku Abdullah


So many milestones have been accomplished by Hadid Group, especially when it comes to expanding the business overseas, as we enter the 17th year being in the market.

I am confident that Hadid’s vision, “Sharing Malaysia’s Engineering Excellence with The World”, is being realized progressively through the company’s vigorous effort to establish our energetic presence in Central Asia. Despite the global economic downturn that has undeniably put a strain on oil and gas players worldwide, Hadid remains resilient in seeking new opportunities to grow our business locally and internationally.

As the Chairman, I am delighted and proud of being a part of Hadid – a versatile Malaysian-based engineering company.


As we brace through the unprecedented times amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, I believe that companies should be innovative, agile, and flexible in order to stay relevant in the business market.

Hadid is also building our way forward with digitalization efforts to ensure that productivity at work and the quality of our services can be consistently improved. These measures are specially vital for our business expansion in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. Through the power of the digital world today, we at Hadid believe that distance should no longer be an issue as we strive towards attaining more successes for the company.

With the readiness of our team and our solid fundamentals in engineering business, we remain committed to deliver the best services to our clients, stakeholders, partners, and communities that we serve. Without everyone’s support, Hadid would not be able to stand tall in the market today.

On behalf of Hadid, I would like to personally thank you for taking the time to visit our website today.

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